Monday, November 4, 2013

Trick or Treat


This year was Addy's very first year going trick-or-treating.  She came with us last year as a bumble bee, but didn't actually go up to the doors.  It only took her one house to catch on to what to do.  By the time we were half-way through, she would open her bag at the beginning of the sidewalk and start yelling "trih-tweet" all the way to the porch, up the steps, and at the un-opened door.  Yeah, she really got into the spirit.  She even tried to trick-or-treat some of the trick-or-treaters--hey, they had candy, right?

It was so much fun to see how thrilled both Owen and Addy were and how much they really enjoyed trick-or-treating.  I love this time we have together as a family and I love seeing all the neighbors out interacting together and with their own families.  Of course, some of the other costumes completely freaked Owen out.  He seems to have acquired my fear of most clowns.  

The amount of candy this year was ridiculous.  I do not ever remember getting that much when I was little.  It's no wonder that Addy wanted to wear her costume the next day and then climbed into the wagon and asked to trick-or-treat again.  I filled up gallon-sized bags of candy for each kid!  I let them have one piece out of their bag each day, so after awhile they tend to forget it's even there.  In fact, the day before Halloween this year I threw out the left-overs from last year's Halloween candy, and Owen did not get nearly as much last year as this.  Guess I'm going to need to help them out a little.

I do admit that I eat my kids' candy.  Right now, I can use the excuse that Addy should not eat the really chewy or hard candy for fear of her choking.  I might be able to get one more year out of that with her, so I will have to come up with some more excuses..I mean eat the candy.  


  1. Those were great, Emily! I loved reading this and looking at the pictures. :)
    -Nana B

    1. Thank you! I think we almost had as much fun as the kids. :)
