Friday, February 21, 2014

Snowflakes and Valentines

I can hardly believe just a week ago everything here was covered in snow.  Here in the South, we do not see much snow, so when we had about nine inches of it we were snowed in--and the kids loved it!  Owen has seen snow before, but not to this extent.  Addyson has not really seen a good snow and had never played in it before.  They would have lived outside if I had let them.

The snow was a time of several firsts. Owen built his first snowman and named her Snowball. Both Owen and Addyson made their first snow angels and went sledding for the first time.  Addyson walked in the snow for the first time. Owen and I had our first snowball fight.  Addy was hit in the face with a snowball by daddy.  Both saw snow more than two inches deep for the first time.

We were not prepared in the least as far as snow toys go.  My husband went looking at several stores for sleds or anything that could be used as one.  Everyone was sold out.  Instead, we improvised by getting a lid from a storage bin, putting a trash bag around it, and attaching a strap.  I wish you could have heard the squeals of delight and seen the smiles on their faces.  I admit I was just slightly jealous since I was a little too big for the "sled."

Due to the snow, Owen missed three days of school.  In class those days the kids were going to work on Valentine's Day crafts and such during the week and then have the class Valentine's Day party on Friday, so I was a little disappointed for him.  He, however, probably would have chosen to play in the snow anyway if given a choice, so he was happy.  

On day two, we all were starting to get cabin fever a bit.  We took a drive to get out of the house for a little bit.  It was beautiful and abnormally quiet.  I love how the snow makes everything look so clean and softened, before the snow plows come through that is.  There is also a beautiful calm when you walk outside.  Everything was muffled and peaceful, especially since most people did not venture out during the peak of the snow.

By day three, I was over the beauty of the snow and ready for it to be gone.  I love my children, but it is tough on everyone's nerves to be cooped up in a house for almost a week with nowhere to go and the weather not pleasant enough to be outside for long.  This is one of the many times I am thankful I live in the South.  The snow comes quickly, but thankfully also leaves quickly.

By Monday I was definitely ready for school to start back, but school was out for President's Day.  So when Tuesday rolled around, I was beyond thrilled.  Thankfully, Owen was excited to go back to school by then.  His class had their Valentine's party, so I went to that to help a little and to watch.  I completely forgot to take pictures until it was almost over.  He loved giving out his valentines and eating all the goodies at the party.  However, he wanted to go home about as soon as I arrived.  I think he partially missed all the time he had been able to spend with Mommy and Daddy.  When we did leave, he was so proud to carry out all of his valentines, until he slipped on some ice and they flew everywhere.

Now that a week has passed, I already have those moments when I wish I could keep him at home for the day.  I often look back and realize just how much time flies and how precious and treasured each and every moment is with my kids.  Sure, there are days I can hardly wait for bedtime, but more often I can hardly wait for them to wake up in the morning so I can talk to them, play with them, laugh with them, just spend time with them.  Three years ago, just a couple of weeks before Valentine's Day, I found out I was pregnant with my second (and last) child.  That valentine gift made our little family complete.  As Valentine's Day comes and goes, I count myself loved, fortunate, and blessed indeed.  

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